Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Art as a stress-buster

Art is an effective stress buster. Looking at a beautiful painting of a tranquil ocean or green meadows can surely relax a boggled mind. Aside from appreciating beautiful artworks, doing your own little “masterpieces” can also help you maintain inner peace. I think most of us knew this instinctively as kids: virtually all of us know the joys of sculpting something (with play-dough), painting something (with fingers), or drawing with crayons and other materials.

It doesn’t really have to be done on an easel using canvass and oil paint or water color, you can make random doodles on a sketchbook or in the margins of a page while you’re killing time. The important thing is you are expressing yourself and relieving stress in the process. Here are how creating art alleviates stress:

  1. It serves as a distraction that takes your mind off of what’s stressing you, at least for a few minutes. And when you’re finished being engrossed in your sketches, you should have a clearer head with which to tackle your problems again.
  1. It makes you completely engaged in something to the point of being in a near meditative state. It carries many of the benefits of meditation, leaving you much less stressed when you’re done.
  1. Just the act of having a hobby can make you feel more balanced in your lifestyle. Sometimes with all of life’s responsibilities, we forget that we need and deserve ‘down time’ and self care. Taking even a few minutes on a regular basis to devote to a hobby can give you more of what you need in this area. And, with drawing, you have the additional benefit of being left with something beautiful (or at least interesting) to show for it!

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