Friday, September 5, 2008

Traveling with Pets

An increasing number of establishments and public places are accepting pets and even offer special services for them thereby encouraging pet owners to include their beloved four legged companions in their travel plans. My friend and pet lover, Shawn Umsted, always takes his dogs whenever he gets a chance to go to the beach. Shaun says that taking pets along can heighten the fun of experiencing new places or visiting old friends. However, it is important to consider if travel really suits your pet. Be aware that some pets, especially cats, are nervous passengers. Leaving them in the care of a conscientious pet sitter or even boarding them at a reputable kennel may be kinder option than subjecting them to the anxiety they may experience during travel.

Car travel is best for pets. The Humane Society of the United States discourages air transport for pets, but if this is your only option, book a direct flight and ask to watch the loading and unloading of the crate from the cargo section of the plane. Short-nosed dogs, such as pugs, are especially at risk since breathing can be a bigger effort for them than for longer-nosed canines, so consult your veterinarian beforehand.

Many dogs love riding in cars, and a variety of safety harnesses are now available for them. Never let them hang their heads out of windows, and do not let them ride in the open bed of a pickup truck as it is extremely dangerous should you hit a bump or make a sudden stop. Protect pets from rain, heat, or cold. In cars, cats should be crated, for their safety as well as comfort. Any dog or cat crate should allow enough room for the animal to stand and turn around comfortably. It’s a good idea to take your pet on a test run, like a short excursion, before attempting a major road trip.

Here are a few rules of the road you should bear in mind when traveling with pets:

  • Always have identification on your pet; include address and phone number of your home as well as your destination.
  • Make water available.
  • Never leave your pet alone in a car — even with the windows cracked, temperatures can soar quickly, and people steal pets with heartbreaking frequency.
  • Avoid giving pets a heavy meal just before traveling, especially if they’re prone to carsickness.
  • Give dogs a relief stop every few hours, and always leash them on these short walks. Even a well-trained dog can become startled or confused or might make other travelers uncomfortable. Consideration for other travelers will help ensure that all of us will be able to include pets in future travels.
  • Be sure to set aside quality time for your pet both while you’re traveling and after you reach your destination.

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