Monday, September 1, 2008

Coffee, coffee, coffee

I love coffee and this entire post is dedicated to justifying my coffee habit! Despite the misconception of coffee as an unhealthy beverage choice because of its caffeine content, I still consider it as an elixir of life! It perks me up in the mornings and energizes me when I’m sleep deprived. Numerous studies prove that coffee is loaded with antioxidants, and numerous antibacterial and pain-relieving agents that can reduce the chances of diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Just one cup a day, can significantly reduce the chances of anyone ever getting Parkinson’s. The chemical adenosine has been classified as the chief cause of Parkinson’s. The Caffeine present in the coffee can counter the chemical adenosine that destroys brain cells.

My jet set friend, Shawn Ulmsted, swears that coffee is the best cure for jet lag! The caffeine in coffee makes a person think faster, especially when doing tedious tasks and increases their extent of cognitive tasks, improving their memory, decision making, learning, and attention. Caffeine also perks up the mood of such people as it provides them with the burst of energy they need.

Antioxidants in coffee like chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid help reduce the chances of Diabetes type 2 by helping in the delivery of Insulin to the tissues, thus Insulin resistance is less likely. If a woman drinks 3 cups of coffee per day then she can reduce her likelihood for diabetes by 20 – 30 percent.

If you are into muscle building then coffee is best for you; muscle pain caused by exercise can be significantly reduced if you drink one 16 ounce cup of coffee just before the workout. Coffee can not only help build muscles, but it can also help build strong teeth. The antibacterial compounds found in coffee fight the bacterium Streptococcus mutan that is the main cause of tooth decay. Coffee has other antibacterial agents that don’t allow the harmful bacteria to stick to the enamel of the teeth.

Now, who says coffee is bad for you?

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