Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Of lemons and limes

Limes and lemons are nature’s best physician. These citrus fruits relieve many symptoms which no doctor could. Limes and lemons are very effective cure for coughs, cold and influenza. A big glass of warm water, one table spoon honey, half a lemon works wonders. My friend, Shawn Umsted, who makes it a point to drink at least a glass of this concoction every day, swears he hardly have to visit a doctor.

Limes and lemons destroy the toxins in the body. Typhoid and other diseases die within no time. The juice of these fruits is very effective in destroying uric acid in the body. It is also very effective in destroying bacteria from intestinal tract. Limes and lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C. They are a good source of vitamin B6, potassium, folic acid and flavonoids. It cures constipation, loss of appetite, arthritis, skin diseases, and heart diseases. The high potassium content in them makes these fruits very useful for preventing and curing heart diseases. It strengthens the teeth and gums. It freshens up the breath. It purifies blood and liver.

It stimulates the functions of the kidney, liver and sweat glands. A ripe lime is a good appetizer. It destroys intestinal worms and expels the excessive gases formed in the digestive tract. Regular exercise and lemon juice helps in excreting waste toxins from your body. It purifies blood. Each and every cell of the body is rejuvenated by taking limes and lemons.

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